Gracie has injured yet another garter snake in the front yard (same exact place too - odd?)
The last one I tried to save died 2 days ago. Didn't know if it was too much of an injury to heal from or I didn't use liquid bandage... who knows
This one seems to be doing fairly better. He is more active than the last (poor snake was in shock)
I think he has eaten a a couple mini mealworms - hasn't eaten goldfish in bowl yet. Put some rocks under his heating lamp to help heat them up so he can lounge on those. Also dampened a washcloth to put under heat lamp to create a delicious moist environment for him to slither around in. I grabbed a quite generous portion of an overgrown shrub in our yard and he likes to shrivel around in that.
Ryan and I are on way to store to purchase a cheap aquarium and some feeder goldfish. Hopefully they will live more than 24 hours. Going to get some newspaper as well to shred for a deeper substrate for him to wiggle through.
Here's a couple pics of the darling:

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