My goodness I haven't been on this blog in forever!

Somewhere between college, corporate career, 2 dogs, and 5 cats...
I lost the time, and my mind. Wee!!
Ask me how many times we vacuum. A day.
How times have changed though!
I resigned from my job in November in order to pursue a new path. No longer will I dress in unflattering black suit pants and drag my laptop up to my corporate headquarters.
No - these days my alarm is set for two times: 10am and 11am.
This will be the only time in my life that I have no job, no school, and no child!
You know what that means?

Just kidding.
That was me using an excuse to share a gif of my favorite Youtuber of all time - Jenna Marbles!
I've been devoting my time to spending more time with
my animals, baking, and crafting.
And my new blog.
It's called Foodie Yogie's blog and it's about animals, baking and crafting.
You like that segue?

More of my corny jokes, awesome gifs, life stories, DIY ideas, Christmas rampaging, and more!
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