I've been in love with tea ever since Lindsay turned me onto them with a birthday present many years ago. I love Zhena's Gypsy Tea because they are made with biodegradable bags and they are USDA Certified Organic and Fair Trade Certified .
Many people do not understand the importance of "Fair Trade Certified" and will purchase whatever tea they can find in their local grocery store. Without going on an Anthropological-Anti-Capitalism rant, I will link a definition from ye old Wikipedia.
"Fair trade is a financial relationship between producers, sellers, and consumers based on the principle of equity within the exchange of goods. There are nine main principles by which all fair trade abides: create opportunities for marginalized producers, develop transparent relationships, build capacity, promote fair trade, pay promptly and fairly, support empowering working conditions, ensure children’s rights, cultivate environmental stewardship, and respect cultural identity."
So far I have purchased the Raspberry Earl, Egyptian Mint, Gingerbread Chai, Pumpkin Spice, Black Forest Berry Green Tea, Kiwi Peach Green Tea, Acai Berry Tea, Papaya Mango Tropical Tea and a cute stackable Black Tea sampler (Peach Ginger, Coconut Chai, Raspberry Earl, Gypsy Rose).
The Egyptian Mint is my favorite for when I have a headache. I'm currently sipping on Pumpkin Spice for obvious holiday reasons. I'm tempted to buy the Pomegranate Cider but am waiting for funds to magically appear in my bank account... or my boyfriend to catch onto my hints.