Sunday, March 21, 2010

100 Pin Bowling/Shopping

Yesterday was my client's birthday and the first day I was with him alone - I was extremely apprehensive and hoped that his anxiety hadn't gotten the best of him. When I arrived, his parents told me they "guessed" he wouldn't have to do his chores today since it was, you know, his birthday and shit. How selfless of them.

We played Wii bowling for a little while and watched Top Model. One of the girls on there (that was considered a "plus size" model and they told her to lose weight) looked like she weighed about 105 lbs. I felt like quite the elephant. I hate that bloody show.

He wanted to go to the Y to work out but I forgot my work out clothes like a dumb ass and he didn't want to be wearing work out clothes when I wore jeans. Pretty common thing - I know when a bunch of us girls hang out if one of us is extremely dressed up (or in pajamas) we feel left out and stupid. I caved and convinced him to walk around Mayfair (he started hating the Loop for some reason). We walked from Starbucks to the movie theater and back around the other side. Had to stop in Swoozie's, play with stuff, and piss off the chicks that work there. He wasn't particularly excited about choosing lunch and wanted me to pick a place but I insisted it was his birthday so its his choice. 9 years later he tells me he wants Mama Fu's. We got a large order of potstickers (I only ate two of those deliciously fried pieces of Satan), some tofu pad thai and chicken lo mein for him. My pad thai was alright... having the real thing in Thailand has a way of spoiling a person. After lunch we went to Target to sniff around and mess with stuff.

In addition to being extremely outgoing, my client LOVES to please people and be a "helper." We tried on purses together, floppy beach hats, and then went in search for a good sports bra for me (when we go to the Y on Tuesday). Found one for $16.99 that had a built in bra and seemed like it would control the girls pretty well. D picked out a work out shirt (after asking permission from his mom) that was navy blue/black. Looked very comfortable considering he had been wearing a pajama shirt to work out in. We walked around some more, I grabbed Target brand Lavender detergent because I am le poor, and headed home. Helped his mom peel/chop potatoes for dinner, played Wii bowling (I bowled a 1600!), and I peaced out (after getting a hug).

Met Jenn at Harris Teeter to find some food on sale. They had trout and some other type of fish I have never caught nor cooked so it scared me. We got some chicken breast tender things on sale for $5 and a bottle of dry red wine (I wanted some resveratrol after reading the article in chiropractor's office that morning). I got on a small cleaning rampage at my apartment; Jenn poured a glass of wine and read my cookbook out on the porch out of harm's way. She finally made me calm the hell down, get a glass and come outside to relax.

How do I describe yesterday's weather? Let's just say for the first day of spring for once nature didn't @#$%^& it up.

Dinner was yummy. Made an Italian marinade for the tenders, steamed some broccoli/carrots and caramelized red onion (finally made those correctly - I hadn't been using enough oil before because I'm a Jew and olive oil is $$$). Jenn brought over her famous salad that had all sorts of yummies in it. I sprinkled some feta on the chicken because hello everyone loves feta.

We cleaned up the kitchen (aka throw everything in the sink) and played Little Big Planet until 1-ish when we decided we were too old and too tired to stay up this late and she went home. I dicked around on Farmville and other Zynga games until I too gave up and went to sleep.

I woke up promptly at 9:38 am feeling as though I slept till Monday. Oh well.

---> Dream insert --->
Last night bordered on awesome/horror/weird as usual.
I dreamed I was in a movie with some other person at an apartment waiting on a friend to call. They weren't home so I left their number on a HUGE sheet of paper beside their door (like 4ft by 2ft). Before we left I had an inkling this was a terrible idea to splay their number to all of the other creepers in this ghetto neighborhood so I trekked back up the stairs to retrieve it. Somewhere in this process the bad guy showed up because I remember sprouting huge wings and diving off of the 4th story railing to try to fly away. Running + Panicking in a dream = you not going anywhere. I hot wired a truck in the parking lot and tore ass down the street. I remember it was Hwy 74 and we were headed anywhere, as fast as I could drive, just to get away from this creeper. We stopped on the side of the road because I saw a mama dog and her puppies in the middle of traffic. Naturally I flew out of the car and sprinted towards them. More weird shit happened here - aggressive dogs came up from behind the car and tried to eat us. Once again we threw our crap in the car and peaced out. Don't remember what happened other than getting to a resort type place and being locked in a room with some crazies. There was a little girl that kept building bombs in these small cubes. The dream pretty much went to shit here and turned into a Saw-like movie. Each of us were locked in a different room with traps. I did the hover-around-not-really-in-your-body-but-watching-what's-going-on thing and some girl had to electrocute herself in water, someone else blew up, someone else had to figure out a way to cut their hair given nothing but blood (thank you Hollywood). I remember having a bomb in my room and the ghetto in me kicked in and I jumped straight out the window. Don't remember much more.

---> Food from Yesterday --->
Y Breakfast: Blueberry Cottage Cheese Double
Y Lunch: 2 potstickers and tofu pad thai
Y Snack: Laughing Cow Light Swiss, pita chips and Parmesan Wheat Thins
Y Dinner: Italian chicken tenders with caramelized onions + feta, steamed broccoli/carrots, mixed green salad, bottle of dry red wine
Y Dessert: handful of yogurt covered pretzels

Morning Tofu/Citrus Smoothie

I actually measured things this morning and recorded their nutritional information... just because I am anal and do things like this.

  • 1 cup ice
  • 1/5 pkg soft tofu
  • 1/4 cup V8 Acai Mixed Berry Juice
  • 1 cup vanilla soy milk
  • 1 cup orange juice w/ pineapple
  • 3 strawberries
  • 2 tbs super food
  • 2 tbs ground flaxseed

It is DELICIOUS. The tofu gets completely pulverized in the blender so don't let it scare you. It made me nervous too. ((You have to change its water everyday... like a damn plant. Uh weird.))
This recipe made ~32 oz of smoothie. Is this too much? I have no idea.

I added a little bit more liquid to this one than I normally do in the morning for 2 reasons.
1) I actually used a measuring cup
2) I only have so much space in the water bottle I cart to work

Nutritional Info:
Calories: 442
Fat: 14 g ((most of it is "good" fats - don't freak out on me))
Sodium: 210 mg
Carbs: 60 g
Sugars: 43 g
Fiber: 12 g
Protein: 24 g

Friday, March 19, 2010


My little person in the morning LOVES making cards and coloring pictures for people.

These are the ones I've gotten so far.

The card says something like...
"A, you have been the best friend I've ever have. YYYY
Even if we love ... and you call me munchkin ... You are very funny nice and sweet
You rock you make me ... you are so very very nice and pretty and your R is very lucky to have you.
Because I love you I am ... I am so sure that you would win an art contest your amazing YYYYY"
Yea I have a hard time reading her writing - but hey I'm trying.

Coloring Pages from Work

I get bored at work and have to come up with things to do to entertain my little person and keep her awake. Thus - I have started trying to draw again. I drew these 2 in pencil and outlined them in a black sharpie. The activity leader lady really liked them so she made copies for the residents to color. It made me feel special.

Throw the ball... loser!

I decided to join the 21st century and create a blog like all the other yuppy douche bags that think their lives are important. (Not you Sarah, I love you). If you don't like my language, subject matter, personality, sense of humor, hair color or opinion - I welcome you to press the handy little X located at the top right of your browser. No one is forcing you to read my ramblings, no I did not major in English in college, and no I don't care for your negativity.

My personal life is fairly uneventful. My zoo of animals all think they're cats, no matter what specie, minus the hedgehog, who is a prickly ball of seething hatred. The boyfriend just started GoW 3 today - I don't expect to see him again for a week. We actually have beautiful weather today and just got back from taking Ruff on a walk around the block. I did the dishes because I was tired of looking at them.

--> Random dream insert -->
I dreamed I was at an old friend's house, LJ, during some holiday party that her mom was throwing. There was a guy flipping out over this stack of books/magazines... when my nosey ass looks at the spine of the magazines, what do I find? But my name as the author. Wootey-tah look who decided to write a book. Maybe I was meant to be tagged in Sarah's post on FB and create my own blog to write about the random bits of chaos that bespeckle my every day's existence...IS THAT YOU FATE KNOCKING ON MY DOOR??

Joking. Moving on.

Just took a typing test - in combination with a boyfriend breathing over my shoulder and his Y key being dislodged from his keyboard, I got 89 wpm with a 90% accuracy. Hodgepodge I say I know I can get over 100.

Nursing home story time! ((I don't think there's a confidentiality issue for telling some of these stories as long as I remain fairly vague about names and don't splatter their picture online, right?
We'll see if I get yelled at.))

Today's morning activity was stretching and basketball. After corraling most of the usual suspects in the room, the games began. A particular individual, who I confess is one of my favorites, almost immediately starts talking smack to the other residents. She is 70ish, in a wheelchair, loves puzzles, and steals lotion off of the nurse's carts - she will be known as K. ((The other day she was wearing some very fashionable sunglasses she had kidnapped from somewhere and had them on so "the nurses won't be able to tell that I'm sleeping" - adorable))

Back to the story - one of the old men, she doesn't really care for, was trying to shoot the basketball and I heard mumbling noises coming from her wheelchair. As I leaned over, I could hear her whispering, "Shoot the ball already!" The activity leader whipped around, gave her the stink eye and the serious-business-finger-point, and continued helping the man shoot the ball. Not 2 seconds later, K starts coughing loudly every time he tried to make the basket. This of course, distracts the poor bastard, and he completely misses. Leader whips around once more glaring and K throws up her hands, completely innocent. I snickered. This continues for the next 2 residents until the woman right before K gets her turn. Every resident gets 5 shots at the basket. K had remained relatively quiet until the woman's last shot. Right before the woman's toss, K leaned over and whispered, "Throw the ball already... loser!" Leader lady spins around with a venomous glare to reprimand K and before she even has time to speak, K says, "What? They're baddies."

Yeah - she's my favorite.

This afternoon I'm going bowling with a client and grabbing pizza/cake for his early birthday celebration. Days like this makes me thankful to have this job. Albeit, days like Tuesday where someone decided it would be nice if they screamed for 4 hours straight, make me want to punch infants. When I get home I have a tentative plan to get on the elliptical. Realistically, I will take off all of my clothes, put on stretchy pants, and vegitate on Zynga games.

To Do list:
-Get oil changed on car
-Buy laundry detergent
-Get gas for car
-Hang laundry up that has been decorating various lamps, drawers and counters of room for over a week

Well, bowling was interesting. The kids stomped the adults. I bowled a 113 and 116 which I was proud of since I am le fail at throwing heavy objects at slender pins down a freakin' lane. ((We had bumpers - shuttttt upppppppppp).

Dinner was a fail from the get-go. Traffic was a nightmare, the restaurant was crowded, sweaty and small. Everyone's anxiety levels started bubbling within the first 5 minutes. We managed to get through the pizza with minimal heart attacks... but the cake, the cake was the ICING ON THE CAKE? Fail. Anyway - a certain individual doesn't like being the center of attention and has small panic attacks when this happens. At the prospect of being sung to and having to blow out candles, he flipped out. Hand in the face, shouting, "Shut up. I hate you. You're an idiot." etc etc.
I felt terrible for him because this was his birthday party and it isn't his fault he has terrible anxiety. He isn't even prescribed medication when he is like a squirrel on meth on a "normal" day. So.... a panic attack was really cute. He stormed out of the restaurant and had to sit in the car while we cleaned up the table.

All in all, it was a good evening but I feel like my nerves have been run across hot coals and I am mentally exhausted. Its lovely having "empath" abilities because when someone has anxiety so bad they vomit, it makes me nauseous just being near them. Nerves nerves nerves.

Aunt Flo should also be showing up around Saturday? ((So says the app on my phone)). Yesterday I had a GREAT DAY, came home, ate dinner, lol'd on Facebook, and out of nowhere, psycho-angry-bitch mode and I flipped out.
For whatever reason, I feel the waves of anger threatening to take over my happy-go-lucky mood, again. Every little thing that happens makes me want to snap and start yelling.
Time to get off the computer.

--> Food update-->
Y Breakfast I had a smoothie with OJ, V8, Tofu, Strawberries, Pineapple, Vanilla Soy Milk, Super Food and Ground Flaxseed. ~8 fl oz water
Y Lunch was a leftover grilled chicken wrap & honey mustard from O'Charley's yesterday.
~12 fl oz w/ peach mango + green tea packet
Y Dinner was a fail. Hamburger, onion, and mushroom Brooklyn style pizza -1 huge slice and a small piece of cookie cake - woopsy. You try turning down cookie cake. It is impossible. I accidentally had 2 sodas too - facepalm.