We spent the afternoon running errands (story of our lives) and setting up a 10 gal fish tank I got to replace 3 gal one. Apparently 1 gal=1 fish and I'm not trying to have only 3 fish in a tank.
So the tank is working on filtering the water through before we add the fish.

Then Ryan cooked dinner all by himself - we had salad, flank steak with blue cheese, cheddar broccoli rice and grilled corn. Everything was delicious. He even bought my 2nd fave type of wine (Annabella) ---> $15
We watched some episodes of Spartacus (LOVE THAT SHOW) when I noticed Ryan disappeared for ~15 mins. Went to check on him and he is puking up a storm! Wtf. So this boy never ever gets sick and definitely never vomits. I immediately assume its food poisoning since he had had 2 beers to drink. Try my best to take care of him, call his mama, he refuses to go to hospital. After wrestling him up from passing out on bathroom floor I get him in bed.
As I'm getting ready for bed - I get that *oh shit* wave of nausea.
Then I start.
And don't stop till 6:30am.
Thankfully Sarah Upton sacrificed her last few hours of sleep before her 12 hour shift at 911 call center to come over and bring a thermometer, diet coke, and support.
How these odd occurrences of bad luck hit my life at the oddest time I'll never know.
We think it was the salad greens that made us sick - it was a 50/50 bag of baby lettuce and SPINACH. Evil green.
Back to laying in bed with Ryan and drinking Gatorade.
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